Monday, September 24, 2007

First Autumn Hunt

Did a quick trip near the driveway just before dark. A 1946 nickel and a 1965 dime are pretty cool, but not cool enough.

Also of interest a thin metal cup, part of an arrow, a drill bit, and yet another car.

Should start cooling off soon enough to spend a little more time out there.
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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday's Finds

A lot of junk, but at least some weird junk. A petcock off something, a wheel off a toy car or train, an interesting little figure, a 50's toy car, 23 cents.

That car is pretty cool 'Midgetoy Rockford, Il, USA'. That figure is much newer, but still pretty cool.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Build a sifter?

As I become more and more frustrated with the level of junk in the yard (some of it may be cool though, you never know) With some help from the forums I've decided to try a sifter (the idea came from the forums, the frankensifter came from my head) to whittle away at some of the junk in the yard.

This area is going to be grass eventually, and there is not a better time to clean some of the trash out than right now.

Watch that video, I have shallow targets galore. Once I whittle them out some (via digging, or just maybe, sifting) I should have a better chance at the deeper targets.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Didn't have much time out there today. But I still managed to find a little. A Frigidaire handle, another shell, 39 cents (all modern) and a flatwrench. The flatwrench is pretty much the same color (or was the same color) as my International Harvester tractor. I wonder if the tractor had a toolkit at some point and this was included.
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Monday, September 3, 2007


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First Wheatie

It was a fairly productive day today. The yard gave up the first wheatie, a 1952 D. I also found a good deal of modern change totaling up to $.56 , Another shell (which from the forums seems to be a 308 blank), a small junk key, and a weird copper pin.

Things are getting better. These came from a spot I'd worked over twice, so I'm not sure if I've whittled out all the junk, or if I'm getting a little more efficient with the unit. An answer of both wouldn't surprise me.
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